What Our Clients have to Say

"Response from Central Station and also from the local office is outstanding! Since I travel quite frequently, I feel much more confident that the security of my house is being expertly managed by Black Bear Security!"
C.F., Bar Harbor

"Two weeks ago, someone tried to drill the lock out at the store. The alarm went off and scared him away. Great Service! Jim is always so helpful when we have a problem."
S.W., Pembroke

"Just had someone trying to open my door and before I had time to get out of bed, Black Bear was calling me. You can't beat that. I'm thankful for your excellent service."
R.L., Pembroke

"Excellent service. Bill is great. Good service and very nice, very professional. He responded immediately the first time we had an alarm trip. When we had questions, he came right out and answered/showed us what we needed to know"
J.C., South Addison

"A plumber was dumping water in my sump near our 'Water Bug' water sensor. Only a couple of drops got on it. Shortly after, we got a phone call from Central Station. The sensor works well and so does the monitoring. I have set off the alarm by accident. Call came quickly; very pleasant people handled the calls."
J.W., Addison

"Excellent security coverage and very fine service and response."
T.G., Bar Harbor

"You are doing well for us... always good on the phone, etc. Thank You! Happy Holidays!"
K.K., Steuben

"Thank God we have not had any serious issues to challenge our system. When frost affected our cellar door, you provided fast service to fix the problem. When we set the system off accidentally, the false alarm was handled quickly and professionally."
J.H., Machias Port

"My system has helped me catch people stealing and helped me keep them out of my store. The camera system helped me avoid a flooded sink by one of my employees."
S.W., Pembroke

"Great! I accidentally opened a door while my system was on. The response was immediate! Very embarrassing but I know it works."
J.D., Addison

"Always prompt, professional and very courteous! Impressed with billing survey interested in customers’ needs."
S.E., Cutler

"Great system. Easy once you try it. Bill is very patient."
J.D., Addison



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